Amadeus provides the technology that keeps the travel sector moving.
We do this by connecting key players in the travel industry: travel agencies, airlines, hotels and more.
We provide these companies with the tools to serve travelers better and to manage their own business more
This is our annual event, where we celebrate the success of our partners and our missions!
توفر Amadeus التقنية التي تحافظ على تيسير حركة قطاع السفر.
نقوم بذلك عن طريق ربط مقدمي خدمة السفر مثل وكالات السفر وشركات الطيران والفنادق وغيرها.
فنحن نوفر لهذه الشركات الأدوات اللازمة لخدمة المسافرين بشكل أفضل ولإدارة أعمالهم الخاصة بشكل أكثر فعالية.
وهذا هو الأحتفال السنوي لأماديوس لعرض هدفها، حيث نكرم شركاء النجاح!
Travel broadens horizons, creates connections and builds economies. Travel powers progress. And Amadeus powers travel.
Search, pricing, booking, ticketing and other processing services are provided in real-time to help airlines, airports, hotels and other travel agencies to offer a flexible travel experience.
Our goal is to always present you with more rewarding journeys in the fastest and most innovative ways. 30 years and it’s just the beginning.